Our corporate identity uses two different color schemes – the corporate color scheme and supplementary color scheme. From the corporate palette, the KISWEL Green Pantone 355C is used for the Logotype in Korean and English. Depending on the medium, the Logotype can be white or black against a green background. The KISWEL Green Pantone 116C can only be used in the company symbol.
Spot: Pantone 355C
CMYK : 86 / 16 / 100 / 3
RGB Web : 0 / 149 / 59
C100%, Y100%
Spot: Pantone 116c
CMYK : 0 / 18 / 100 / 0
RGB Web : 255 / 207 / 001
M20%, Y100%
Black : 100%
The colors on our corporate identity allow a degree of flexibility if it is in effect to increase efficiency in the communication.
Thus the use of supplementary colors should support that of the corporate color scheme, and it can be applied in various objects and media such as a signage system and labels
Spot: Pantone 420C
CMYK : 21 / 17 / 17 / 0
RGB Web : 200 / 200 / 200
Spot: Pantone 425C
CMYK : 6 / 56 / 52 / 29
RGB Web : 84 / 87 / 90
Spot: Pantone 877C
CMYK : 23 / 16 / 13 / 46
RGB Web : 138 / 141 / 143